Done Agency - Joe Stumpf's By Referral Only


The DONE Marketing Agency is the official marketing agency for By Referral Only and was developed specifically for Agents and Lenders looking to systemize and get more hands-on help with marketing their business, save time, and grow their business at a more rapid pace.

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The DONE Marketing Agency is the official marketing agency for By Referral Only and was developed specifically for Agents and Lenders looking to systemize and get more hands-on help with marketing their business, save time, and grow their business at a more rapid pace.


Here’s How It’s Different From

By Referral Only Membership


Love By Referral Only materials, systems, and campaigns but desire a more branded or custom look? In the DONE Marketing Agency, members get CUSTOM-designed postcards, flyers, posts, landing pages, mailers and so much more! Check out the next-level design going on inside the Done Marketing Agency.


Never again fall short on a campaign, mailer, social post, or local opportunity. You have your very own implementation specialist bringing you new campaigns and strategies that they will then carry out on your behalf. Even better, they can help run your marketing idea and pieces through to the finish line.


We all want to do more marketing, more campaigns, and utilize more of the BRO strategies, but TIME is our enemy. DONE Marketing Agency members get the ultimate support through their dedicated marketing specialist who will do all of the time-consuming coordinating, implementing, tech, and scheduling and will also work one-on-one with our designers to create NEXT-LEVEL marketing pieces that will make YOU stand out and rise above the competition.


What Our Members Are Saying


Working In Real Estate & Lending is

Time-Consuming. We Free Up Your Time.

The DONE Marketing Agency is the official marketing agency for By Referral Only and was developed specifically for Agents and Lenders looking to systemize and get more hands-on help with marketing their business, save time, and grow their business at a more rapid pace.

Here’s Everything you Get…


By Referral Only All-Access Membership gives you the tools, CRM, strategy, campaigns, done-for-you emails, postcards, social posts, newsletters, and more training than anyone out there in the industry today. This membership is the base that will lead you to success.  Combined this with the DONE Agency, and your dedicated Marketing Specialist who will be your worker bee to coordinate all of your automated marketing. We will work directly with you to not only activate your BRO strategies and automated marketing but also create your custom campaigns and carry out all of the work to see them through to completion. You now have the 1-2 punch and ADVANTAGE of getting more marketing done, which will fuel your business with even MORE opportunities, leads, and referrals… without YOU having to do it all on your own.


In this Agency-Only Mastermind will dive deeper into what’s working, industry insider insights, and deliver monthly specialty trainings with Joe, Jeff, Dan, and all of our By Referral Only experts. There are specialized trainings not offered inside of regular By Referral Only membership. You’ll be able to speak to and learn from Agency Members that are creating some of the most successful and innovative marketing campaigns we have ever seen… and you can then have your Marketing Specialist implement them for YOU!  Even better is that you’ll get to gather and collaborate with the smartest, highest-level, like-minded top producers- in a small group setting. Many would pay BIG BUCKS to be a fly on the wall in this Zoom room!


Imagine, knowing each month that you have a set lead-generating, list nurturing, and referral producing plan and campaign schedule working like clockwork. When you join the DONE Marketing Agency, your dedicated specialist will help you map out your annual marketing plan, with a clear vision for what will bring you new opportunities and business each and every month.


While By Referral Only Membership gives you all of your emails, newsletters, postcards and social posts pre-written and ready to send, The DONE Marketing Agency adds to that with custom design and branding to meet the need for specialized marketing opportunities. Flyers, Logo, Branding, Tri-Folds, Landing Pages, Mailers, Video Editing, and more. It’s like By Referral Only on steroids!


The DONE Marketing Agency and your dedicated Marketing Specialist will quickly become your lifeline and trusted advisor for ensuring you constantly have top-notch marketing campaigns and pieces reaching more people each and every month. Your specialist will keep you on schedule, accountable, and on track. They will bring you fresh new ideas and campaigns monthly, or you can choose to create your own campaign or marketing piece, which your specialist will coordinate and implement for you. Either way, you will rest easier knowing your marketing is making you shine, and getting DONE consistently each and every month. This is how you GROW and SCALE!


By Referral Only & DONE Marketing Agency offers a safe space for Agents and Lenders to share ideas, celebrate wins, ask for advice, get encouragement, and get answers to critical questions. We do this in our online community, forum, and most recently at an in-person event.

Some recent topics in our Facebook Community include:

“Looking for a BRO member in Norfolk Virginia for Buyer referral.”

“Starting the “Power Productivity” course. I decided to take a deeper dive into this BRO stuff 🙂 I need to elevate my business and stop being afraid of what’s ahead.”

“118 Fun Day Monday responses this month!! New record for us. Whoohoo!”

“Ever felt in survival, stability, success, and significance all in the same day? 😝”

“I am looking for the “pick your neighbour” postcard.”

“Any REALTORS in Las Cruces, NM? I have a client that is interested in some land that he saw online. Please let me know.”


We Are Invested In Your Success

If you were to find an assistant or hire out the services that we provide each month inside the DONE Marketing Agency you’d pay upward of $2500/month….and you’ll still need to train them on the By Referral Only way & systems. (What happens when they don’t work out? You’re back to square one and training someone new!)

You could just hire someone on-demand as you need help for each individual marketing task:

  • Monthly Social Media Coordinator (20+ posts a month)
  • Marketing Coordinator to implement the BRO campaigns make sure it ALL happens and you get it all done right and ON TIME
  • Graphic designer for flyers and special postcards PLUS your time to write the copy, coordinate and guide designer
  • Copywriter – (think social post text, emails, notecard text, video scripts, client appreciation letters..and you’ll still need to teach them the BRO language.
  • Video editing – for a short video production
  • Landing Page Design – for design/creation, you still have to host the page on a site, write the copy, direct them and then connect it to MyClients)
  • Google My Business Listing Setup
  • Marketing Technical Support
  • A Personal Cheerleader and Accountability Partner










The Good News Is That You Don’t Have To Pay $2500+/Month For This Kind Of Specialized Marketing…Marketing The BRO Way!

Limited-Time Introductory Price:

ALL YOU PAY IS $499 Per Month!

In addition to By Referral Only membership dues.

No contract. Stop Anytime.

Think You Won’t Get Enough Out Of This Investment? WATCH THIS!


Your Time Is Valuable. So Is Ours.

The process for joining the DONE Marketing Agency is both effective and efficient because we value time above all else. Here’s how it works…

1. APPLY: It all starts with a simple inquiry form that allows us to assess fit before any calendar time is booked.

2. INTERVIEW: You’ll meet with our Enrollment Manager where we will discuss program details, answer questions, and determine if this program is the right fit for both of us.

3. ONBOARDING: You’ll meet with your Marketing Specialist to discuss the first steps, create your Annual Marketing Plan, and decide on what campaign or project is your preference. (NOTE: If you are not yet a By Referral Only Member you will also get a separate onboarding into using our system. Don’t worry. We’ll walk you through it and take as much of the work off your plate as we can.)

4. CHECK-IN & PROGRESS: You will meet with your Marketing Specialist ongoing once a month, and communication will be as needed with your specialist as questions and approvals arise. We are now On YOUR Team!

We are Your Who

“The “WHO” to help you get more done”.

“I joined because I needed someone to DO IT for me.”

“…because I don’t want to spend my time creating things…”

“The bang for the buck cannot be better served”

“…an opportunity to have one less thing for you to have to do.”

“…support in marketing…and processes are just spot on.”


Get More DONE!

The mission is simple… we help you get more done!… achieve more, grow more, and create a the business  you have always dreamed about. Through expert support, guidance, proven campaigns and strategies, and consistent marketing, our Members are able to grow faster since their time is spent on helping people and closing deals, rather than sitting in front of a computer doing all of the marketing, writing, creating and implimenting. We take that work off your plate so you can focus on what’s important to you.


Learn More About What It Means To Be Part Of The DONE Marketing Agency Community

What is the time commitment?

It really depends on the projects you desire. Some projects require you to do a phone call, maybe send a text. Others, you just approve what your Marketing Specialist has prepared. You are the star of this show, so it isn’t just a press the button and walk away type of program. You’ve got to put your personal touch and approval on these campaigns. It’s all about you and your connections with your people, so you have to be a part of this. You can expect at least an hour of meeting with your marketing specialists every month, and maybe one or two hours a month doing things for these campaigns to make them work.

What exactly do you do for me each month?

Seventy percent of the services that we provide revolve around your annual marketing plan. So when you complete that intake survey. You’re telling us what’s important to you. You’re telling us what you like. Big events, small events, no events. What fireflowing campaigns are you interested in doing? We create that plan, and that’s your monthly project plan.

Twenty percent of this is us doing social media posting. We’re posting manually to your personal Facebook page, which we have found is the most effective

We post for you every weekday you should be in there on the weekends engaging connecting. 

The last ten percent is saved for your on-demand needs. Say you get invited to speak or present somewhere. We can he need a presentation. You need a flyer. Maybe you’re having an open house or have a big listing and want, and you need a flyer. You need some assets for that. So this last 10% will be allotted for things that just arise on demand.

By Referral Only Membership and DONE Marketing Agency, what’s the difference?

By Referral Only All-Access Membership as a system that we help run for you. We’re turning on emails. We’re turning on postcards. We’re mailing newsletters for you. You get tons of training and continued education and support. You still have to do the engaging and we are not automating things like Client Connection Campaigns and Event, although you can choose to do those on your own using our guides. It’s a great way to automate your main marketing and the minimum that you have to do to keep in touch with the people that know you like you and trust you.
In The DONE Marketing Agency, we’re going to turn it up a notch. You’re going to now have a person assigned to you. They’re going to hold you accountable. We’re going to have a calendar. We’re going to have a project board. You now have a clear and actionable plan, and you know you will get things DONE because you have the help and people to do it all. So you’re getting all that By Referral Only All-Access Membership has, and now we’re enhancing it. We taking the work of planning and implementation off your plate, while allowing you to do more and make more connections. That’s where the magic happens.

Do you have references?

Absolutely! This Done Marketing Agency has been around for over a year now (By Referral Only for 36 years!) and we have a number of members that have been with us from the beginning and are still with us. We can absolutely refer you to several lenders and real estate agents that have had great success by being part of the DONE Marketing Agency. They would be happy to speak with you personally or take a look at the page above for several videos and testimonials from our current members. 

Do I still need an assistant?

Well, that’s up to you, but we are not your personal assistant in the DONE Marketing Agency. If you want to send flowers to your client. We’re not doing that. Think of us as higher-level marketing people on your team. A team who is ready to keep you on track and making progress. We’ve got the whole team and systems you need to make progress. Your marketing specialist is sitting at you with you at the table, discussing, planning, and then working on your projects. They’ve got the DONE team working on specifics like creative writing, graphics, design, and all the higher-level and time-consuming things that you should not be doing. Are they going to follow up on calls for you, answer comments on your social posts… no. What they are going to do is generate that business for you with very smart marketing, post to your Facebook page M-F, and overall take the work of Marketing OFF YOUR PLATE.

Is this the same as having a coach?

This is not the same as having a coach. We believe this is better than having a coach because we are getting things done. A traditional coach is going to meet with you, talk about things that are going on in your business,  come up with ideas, and then you have to leave that coaching session and go find someone to implement those ideas. This is usually that’s where coaching falls apart.

Is there going to be some coaching in this? Yeah, we’re probably going to kick you in the pants on some things to get projects done. You may need to make calls or send some texts so we can’t do it all for you, but we do as much as possible. Your job is to make the connections, take advantage of the opportunities this marketing creates..all the things we cannot do for you. There will be a little bit of coaching… but there’s a lot more “DOING”! 

Can I customize anything?

One of the reasons that we started the DONE Marketing Agency was to supply you with customized materials, so you don’t have to have to be so generic in your marketing efforts.  If you see a great By Referral Only campaign that you love but want to add a more personal touch or branding to it, we can help you do that. If you want to have a special flyer or postcard made, you can work with your Marketing Specialist to plan it out. They will meet with our team and designers to see it to completion. Our full graphics team is ready to help you kick your marketing up to be customized the way you envision. 

I don't like my logo. Will you help me improve it?

One of the first things we discuss when you first start in the DONE Marketing Agency is that we take a look at all your branding. Oftentimes what’s happened is you’ve been in business for eighteen years. You did your logo seventeen years ago, and you really haven’t done much with it since.

We’re going to be taking your logo and all of your branding, and we’re going to be putting that on every new thing you do in this program. So it is important to address your logo and branding at the very start to make the biggest impact with all of your future marketing.

What Current DONE Marketing Agency

Members Are Saying…

Accountability and Staff
Making It All Work

Helps you “Step It Up!” or Worth The Investment

Frees Up Your Time & Bring In More Clients

Deepens The Relationship With Your Database

Everything Gets Done
Each And Every Month


Join The DONE Marketing Agency


The 1-Page Marketing Plan

Now, Please Answer 2 Quick Questions So We Can Be Sure To Send You Relevant, High-Value Content You Truly Care About...

Question 1: What business are you in?

Now, Please Answer 2 Quick Questions So We Can Be Sure To Send You Relevant, High-Value Content You Truly Care About...

Question 2: Where do you consider your business to be?

Yes, I'd like to know more about joining the DONE Marketing Agency!

Tell us a little more about yourself…

Yes! I Want To Try The Dominate Your Neighborhood Campaign And Try By Referral Only Free For 30 Days!

*I agree to receive recurring messages from By Referral Only to the provided mobile number and also agree to the By Referral Only terms and privacy policy at Message & data rates may apply. Reply STOP to cancel anytime. Reply HELP for info.

Yes, Jeff. I want Instant Access To See The Dominate Your Neighborhood Strategy!

We sure do! We have lender specific content for you to get in front of your realtor partners, past clients and sphere. We also have lead generation strategies for you to use to co-market with your agents or drive re-fi’s or specialty loans in your doors going direct to consumer!

Yes. In fact we encourage it. Get setup and using all of the systems and campaigns that come with All-Access so that you start getting those referral and new conversations started right away. Then, you can always apply to the DONE Agency to kick it up a notch and have us create and implement the campaigns and posting for you. Or, if you want more of a Mastermind experience to push you and hold you accountable to make BIG leaps in your business, apply to BroVance. There is always room to grow from where you’re at to where you want to be.

By Referral Only is your ONE place to get everything you need to consistently market your Real Estate or Lending business.

All of these are designed to help you in different ways:

Basically, everything you need for your Before, During, AND After unit marketing.

We guarantee you’ll LOVE By Referral Only…

… and if, for some reason, you decide later that you don’t want to be a member anymore, then we’ll happily cancel your account without any penalties or fees. We do not ask for contracts or commitments, just that you implement and try the programs and systems.

With this exclusive offer, you get your first full 30-days for $1. Then, if you decide that By Referral Only is right for you, DO NOTHING. We will charge your card $199/month until you cancel. Cancel anytime. Or, let us know during your first 30 days that you do not wish to continue, and we will cancel before the second month’s charge.

By Referral Only is your ONE place to get everything you need to consistently market your Real Estate or Lending business.

All of these are designed to help you in different ways:

Basically, everything you need for your Before, During, AND After unit marketing.

All-Access By Referral Only Membership is $199/month ongoing. You can cancel at anytime and there are no contracts.

In fact, we guarantee you’ll LOVE By Referral Only…

… and if, for some reason, you decide later that you don’t want to be a member anymore, then we’ll happily cancel your account without any penalties or fees. We do not ask for contracts or commitments, just that you use the programs and systems.

YES! I want to Try By Referral Only All-Access Membership Free for 30-Days!


*I agree to receive recurring messages from By Referral Only to the provided mobile number and also agree to the By Referral Only terms and privacy policy at Message & data rates may apply. Reply STOP to cancel anytime. Reply HELP for info.