Social Media Calendar
Not sure when to post what? Here is an overview of the month with suggestions on when to post all of the content we’ve provided. Click Here to download.
Carve out some time to watch the video above – you’ll get a complete social media overview of best practices and some very good helpful tips on what to post (and what NOT to post!). Use the assets on this page for your October social media posts. We’ll update it each month with new content!
30-Day Facebook with Purpose Challenge
Building deep, dependable, and heartfelt connections on social media is tough, but this little challenge sheet will help you complete 20 HIGH-VALUE actions in 20-minutes or less each day. Click Here to download.
Carve out some time to watch the video above – you’ll get a complete social media overview of best practices and some very good helpful tips on what to post (and what NOT to post!). Use the assets on this page for your October social media posts. We’ll update it each month with new content!
Each month you’ll get 8 new posts. We recommend posting two posts per week. Here’s what you need to do:
- Click on the image.
- Save the image to your computer.
- Go over to Facebook (or Instagram).
- Post the image.
- For more engagement, post a question that expects a reply that is relevant to the image/quote. (“I love this idea… what do you think?”)
You can save the image by clicking on it and then either right-clicking and selecting ‘save’; or you may see a download arrow and you can click that to download and save to your computer.
Other than cats, which creature has retractable claws?
(A) Blue Crabs
(B) Scorpions
(C) Sloth
(D) Tarantula (correct answer)
An estimated 1 million spiders live in one acre of land. The number might be closer to 3 million in the tropics. It is estimated that a human is never more than 10 feet away from a spider—ever.
IMAGE (click to download)

Copy/paste the question into Facebook post. Download image and attach it to your post. Select your winner and make a video to announce it and include the interesting fact in your video!
You can save the image by clicking on it and then either right-clicking and selecting ‘save’; or you may see a download arrow and you can click that to download and save to your computer.
Bringing People To The Center
Shortly after being forced out of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs bought a small computer manufacturer named Pixar. In 2000, he relocated the company to an abandoned factory. The original plan called for three buildings, with separate offices for computer scientists, animators, and the Pixar executives.
Jobs immediately scrapped it. Instead of three buildings, he wanted a single vast space with an atrium at its center.
As Pixar’s Ed Catmull explains, “The philosophy behind this design is that it’s good to put the most important function at the heart of the building. Well, what’s our most important function? It’s the interaction of our employees. That’s why Steve put a big empty space there. He wanted to create an open area for people to always be talking to each other.”
Jobs saw separated offices as a design problem. He shifted the mailboxes to the atrium, then moved the meeting rooms, cafeteria, coffee bar, and gift shop to the center of the building. “The atrium initially might seem like a waste of space,” says director Brad Bird. “But Steve realized that when people run into each other, when they make eye contact, things happen.”
Jobs insisted that the best creations occurred when people from disparate fields were connected, especially in an age of intellectual fragmentation.
Steve Jobs knew his team could send a message throughout the Pixar building in a millisecond, but he created an environment that encouraged interaction. Intuitively we know Jobs is right. The content of any message can be sent and delivered around the world instantly. The context of the message is the part that helps people understand each other. For that, we still need the best communication technology ever conceived – human contact.
Bringing People To The Centre
Shortly after being forced out of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs bought a small computer manufacturer named Pixar. In 2000, he relocated the company to an abandoned factory. The original plan called for three buildings, with separate offices for computer scientists, animators, and the Pixar executives.
Jobs immediately scrapped it. Instead of three buildings, he wanted a single vast space with an atrium at its centre.
As Pixar’s Ed Catmull explains, “The philosophy behind this design is that it’s good to put the most important function at the heart of the building. Well, what’s our most important function? It’s the interaction of our employees. That’s why Steve put a big empty space there. He wanted to create an open area for people to always be talking to each other.”
Jobs saw separated offices as a design problem. He shifted the mailboxes to the atrium, then moved the meeting rooms, cafeteria, coffee bar, and gift shop to the center of the building. “The atrium initially might seem like a waste of space,” says director Brad Bird. “But Steve realized that when people run into each other, when they make eye contact, things happen.”
Jobs insisted that the best creations occurred when people from disparate fields were connected, especially in an age of intellectual fragmentation.
Steve Jobs knew his team could send a message throughout the Pixar building in a millisecond, but he created an environment that encouraged interaction. Intuitively we know Jobs is right. The content of any message can be sent and delivered around the world instantly. The context of the message is the part that helps people understand each other. For that, we still need the best communication technology ever conceived – human contact.
IMAGE (click to download)

Copy/paste the Letter from the Heart into a Facebook post. Download image and attach it to your post. Be sure to watch who comments on your post and be sure to ‘like’ it and reply to it. Even if it’s as simple as “Thanks for your thoughts, (name).” or “I love your insight, (name).”
You can save the image by clicking on it and then either right-clicking and selecting ‘save’; or you may see a download arrow and you can click that to download and save to your computer.
1. Post a picture of you enjoying one of your hobbies. Remember, you can always include a question to boost engagement!
2. Post a picture when you were younger – grade school picture, prom picture, etc. People love to see what you looked like “back in the day”.
3. Shoot an impromptu video about how your day was. It doesn’t always have to be lollipops and roses. Keep it real, but do try to stay positive!
4. Post a picture of a food item you just made and talk about it. This is a good opportunity to ask a question – do you remember this food item from your childhood? Or do you enjoy making your own pizza? What’s your secret ingredient in your pasta sauce, or chili, or soup?
Once a week, select one of the above and implement. Keep an eye on your post and acknowledge people who respond/participate. Have fun with this one!
What’s your favorite_____________ ?
Season. Post with a graphic of the current season.
Color. Post with an image of something you made that is your favorite color.
TV show/movie. Post with a shot of you working on the computer while watching your favorite show.
Which one do you like better?
Food. Post a picture of two different food items.
Animals. Post a picture of two different animals (a cat and a dog is always good!!)
Scenery. Post with a picture of two different landscapes, like mountains and a beach.
Would you rather _______ or ______ ?
Buy something handmade or make it yourself?
Get a gift or give a gift?
Be overdressed or underdressed.
What if __________ ?
…you won the lottery? What would you do with the money?
…you could travel anywhere? Where would you go?
…you were an animal? Which animal would you be?
Once a week, select one of the above questions and post it on social media. Be sure to monitor this one because you’re asking them to engage. Respond to anyone who interacts with you. This is another fun one!
Where Will You Celebrate Thanksgiving Next Year?
Most people I talk with about real estate have no intention to move into a different home – and I love that. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to share thoughts and advice on a topic I am passionate about which is living in a dream home, wherever and whenever that may be.
One of the big things in the way of moving to an ideal scenario is employment. Traditionally, most people try to live within a 25-minute radius of their work. Living within this bubble means their lifestyle is defined by their job. That idea may be disappearing. More and more people are contacting me because they received the green light from their employer to work remotely. In some cases, this doesn’t just mean expanding the work bubble by another 30-minutes or an hour. People who have always wanted a rural life, but were trapped in a city job, are moving to farms.
As the real estate consultant you trust to help you, your friends and family, I consider it a privilege to talk about having an ideal lifestyle… wherever and whenever that may be.
Where Will You Celebrate Thanksgiving Next Year?
Most people I talk with about real estate have no intention to move into a different home – and I love that. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to share thoughts and advice on a topic I am passionate about which is living in a dream home, wherever and whenever that may be.
One of the big things in the way of moving to an ideal scenario is employment. Traditionally, most people try to live within a 25-minute radius of their work. Living within this bubble means their lifestyle is defined by their job. That idea may be disappearing. More and more people are contacting me because they received the green light from their employer to work remotely. In some cases, this doesn’t just mean expanding the work bubble by another 30-minutes or an hour. People who have always wanted a rural life, but were trapped in a city job, are moving to farms.
As the mortgage consultant you trust me to help your friends and family, I consider it a privilege to talk about having an ideal lifestyle… wherever and whenever that may be.
IMAGE (click to download)

Copy/paste the message into a Facebook post. Download and save image, then upload image to your post.
You can save the image by clicking on it and then either right-clicking and selecting ‘save’; or you may see a download arrow and you can click that to download and save to your computer.