Referral Ignite Game is the most popular and successful referral trainings that I have ever offered. Hundreds and hundreds of agents and lenders who have dedicated themselves to the 56 day game have all seen at least 15-30 referrals from it. It gets results! Period…. I did notice one issue… many busy successful agents and lenders want my Referral Ignite training, they want me to lead them, they want me to teach them the exact scripts, they want me to show them exactly how to build a system that would finally get new referrals flowing into their business by having a system to make it happen…
Build Relationships and Get Referrals Even During These Uncertain Times…for Only $49

15 – 30 NEW Referred Clients in Just 56 Days
Build Your Tribe
Keep Your Business Moving Forward

Here’s Everything You Get For Your $49 Investment

ALL Coaching Sessions
Instant access to all 8 webinars

Referral Ignite Journal
Downloadable training guide and journal

Daily Scorecards
Track your daily actions and score your progress.

Use your scoreboard to track your daily scores.

Referral Note Cards
Get 9 notecard scripts proven to generate referrals.

The Official Getting Referrals Book
84-pages packed with scripts, dialogues and strategy.

Morning Joe Messages
A morning motivational text message to keep you inspired and focused on success.

Magic Words Dojo
Unlimited access to over 205 training and coaching sessions.

BONUS #1 :
8 Proven Referral Strategies Webinar (Value $250)

BONUS #2 :
Free Business Coaching Session (Value $600)

BONUS #3 :
Getting More Listing Program (Value $199)
How To Become The Local Agent
Who Everybody Loves To Refer!
To generate 15 to 30 new referred clients you must have the referring mindset and mastery of four essential skills. The good news is that the mindset and the 4 skills are completely learnable to any agent or lender who has a deep desire to work with the best clients and make their business disruption proof.

This is for you if your answer is “yes” to any of these…
Are you struggling with a diminishing database of people and you don’t have a system to replenish it?
Are you struggling to connect to your past clients and centers of influence, and modernize your referral-getting system?
Are you struggling to pick up the phone and call people you know because you just don’t want to bother them?
Are you struggling with asking people you know for referrals, but you're constantly told to “Get over your fear”?
Are you struggling to know the words to say when appoaching people that you know and asking for them to refer you in a way that doesn't make you both feel uncomfortable?
Are you struggling with the worry and pressure that's happening to our industry (and our commissions) with the impending digital disruption of the real estate industry?
What Agents and Lenders Are Saying
About Referral Ignite!

My Most Popular Referral Training Now
ON DEMAND For The First Time Ever!

…BUT they struggle to commit to our 8 week program dates and weekly meeting format. It was this which led me to create a version that anyone could do whenever they wanted and at whatever pace they needed.
This ON DEMAND version of my best referral strategies, trainings, tools and coaching is everything that is offered in the full $299.00 version except you get access to on demand webinars so you can experience it whenever you want, on your schedule, and at your own pace. You get everything we offered and everything that makes this experience so powerful…but you only pay $49.
Here’s How Referral Ignite
On Demand Works

You’ll get a link to join the On Demand Access Page with all of the Referral Ignite Game webinars that were recorded live during the 56-day period. You can pace yourself and watch one a week – or you can binge watch them all at once! It’s your choice!
During our On Demand Coaching Sessions, you’ll receive specific examples of what to do in every possible situation you find yourself in while you’re playing the game to get 15-30 new referrals.
All 8 sessions are there for you. Watch them as often as you’d like. This training and coaching is pure money-making referral-generating insight and strategies!
Plus, I’ll Guarantee That You’ll Get 15-30 New Referred Clients with Referral Ignite ON DEMAND or Your Money Back!!

Money-Back Guarantee
If you go through all 8 webinars and do everything I show you, you WILL get 15-30 referrals, or you’ll get your money back. Now of course, you have to play full out and do what you’re asked to do. If you do, and you don’t get 15-30 referrals, just email me and I will give you your money back – and you keep all of the materials.
Here’s Everything You Get For Your $49 Investment

ALL Coaching Sessions
We will send you the link to our On Demand Access page with all 8 webinars that were recorded live. You decide your pace! I will give you new and exciting ways on how to Write your Note Cards, Plant Referral Seeds, Ask for Referrals and Give Referrals. If you have a question or a challenge, you can request assistance at anytime.

Referral Ignite Journal
This is where the gold is. Download the journal to get the 9 Referral Card Scripts, the Referral Seed Scripts, the 30 Businesses to Refer, the One Way to Ask for a Referral, plus your 8 Weeks of Tracking.

Daily Scorecards
Download these cards to record your score in each of the four categories every day... for as long as you play the game. You’ll love how a simple scorecard makes it for you to remember to plant, give, ask and write, but it also motivates you to improve your score daily.

Download and use your scoreboard to track your daily scores. This makes the process of igniting your referral business fun and challenging all at the same time because you're always competing against your self.

Referral Note Cards
You can use any type of note card for this, but I will give you access to our online store to purchase very specific referral-getting language. Use the 9 scripts from the workbook that are specially designed with a combination of words that are proven to generate referrals.

The Official Getting Referrals Book
This is an 84-page step-by-step guide that will quickly become a valuable tool for you. This book will show you a dozen different ways to have an intelligent referral conversation, new ways to to plant referral seeds, you'll learn the precise timing when to ask for a referral, plus simple new ways to overcome any fear or resistance you may have to asking or a referral.

Morning Joe Messages
Every morning you’ll get a text message from me called your Morning Joe. This 3-5 minute message is your coaching and guidance for the day. You’ll get cutting edge insight, my most recent discoveries about high performance behavior, language patterns, motivation and inspiration.

Magic Words Dojo
Unlimited access to the Magic Words Dojo, where there are over 205 training and Coaching sessions to watch on your computer or the Mobile Joe App.
Order Now and Get 3 Bonuses Worth $1049!
Free Ticket to My #1 Online Course (Value $250)

During this webinar, I’ll show you how our top Realtors and top Lenders are getting at least 1-2 referrals from people they already know by installing 8 Proven Essential Referral Strategies. Learning and implementing these 8 Proven Strategies is the most important thing that you can do to get more clients and increase your income in today’s real estate market!
Free Business Strategy Coaching Session with World Class Business Coach (Value $600)

You’ll meet one-on-one over the phone with one of my top business coaches to do a full business assessment and they will help you get prepared for Referral Ignite.
Getting More Listings System (Value $199)

I’m going to give everyone that purchases by midnight Sunday FREE ACCESS to look behind the By Referral Only Member curtain at one of the most powerful tools we offer our members…
The Getting More Listings System is a proven direct response marketing program that allows you to dominate an area of 1000 homes. You’ll get all the direct mail programs, newsletters scripts, and systems in a turnkey toolkit. It’s like a paint by numbers program that will produce a consistent flow of new business for you.
Our members LOVE this program because it produces results FAST.
Become The Local Real Estate Agent or Lender Everybody Loves To Refer!
No more bothering the people in your database begging for referrals.
Only asking for referrals at the perfect time in the perfect way.
Create a modernized way of communicating - with meaning and purpose.
Let go of any concern you have about the coming disruption of the entire real estate industry.
Build a tribe of 150 people who are each referring one or more people a year to you, and never worry again about your database shrinking.

We Randomly Asked 23 Referral Ignite Game Players This One Simple Question…
“On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), how likely are you to endorse the Referral Ignite Game to a colleague?”
The responses blew me away! I’ve never seen a reaction to any training and coaching program I’ve delivered like this, and I’ve done some amazing work over the past 30 years. Check it out:

“Joe – it’s a 10 all the way! I got 7 new Listings and 9 new Buyers within the next 45 days. Plus, I got 6 Listings and 10 Buyers within the next 180 days. Joe, that is a total of 32 New Opportunities. You promised me 15-30 and I did it. This is the best money I’ve ever invested.”
–Regan Nordgren – Taylorsville, UT

A 10 for me because the Referral Ignite Game has brought to light how much I enjoy working in my unique abilities of writing, planting, asking, and giving. I understand that it is within the conversations that opportunities occur, so this is high-dollar activity. This program will be the foundation of my business action while I discover and evolve my “WHY.” I am looking forward to my 2nd helping of R.I. 56-day trek. I got at least 15 new referrals and many more to come. Yes, my referral business has been ignited!
–Luke Jones – Gretna, LA

10 – Referral Ignite was a highway to success by gamifying skills which helped me be more aware of a consistent, daily rhythm that was paved with a ‘Morning Joe’ fresh thinking foundation to catapult my day …day after day. This created habits and rituals to make the recording and reporting happen, and in turn, the opportunities. It is such a well-thought out game with just the right components to make it fun, actionable, results- driven and addictive. You can only win! I did with 17 new opportunities and dozen more to follow.
–Charlotte Volsch – Apple Valley, CA

It’s a 10! You have helped me shift into the best me by playing this game. You always have my best interest at heart and you challenge me in all the fun and positive ways. I also receive 16 direct/indirect referrals since I started the game who will eventually buy, sell, or invest. You helped me get organized and have more fun in my business. Referral Ignite is amazing!
–Mike Vakas – Grasonville, MD

Definitely a 10+ for me Joe – I have learned your game-plan and this gamification format lights me up and makes doing the work “fun” and being part of the team was another important part – as I have shared before the RI game has definitely made a significant impact on me and thrilled that at least 4 people locally were inspired to play Game 2 – it makes it easy to share because I truly believe they will benefit! Thank you Joe and Dan for also leaving it all in court for us to have the best learning experience possible! Words can’t do justice to all I have gained doing RI – just a raving fan. Over 15 new referred clients and so many more in the works.
–Cyndee Haydon – Clearwater, FL

Definitely a 10 and I have already endorsed Referral Ignite Game to several colleagues. This Game is a simple, highly effective system to keep you engaged and focused in doing the things that we know we need to do in order to create the life and business we desire. Plus, since the 2nd week of playing the Game, I have received 2-4 referrals per day and we have closed 6 deals – with 5 pending and more on the horizon!
–Jennifer Jones Hillegas – Rome, GA

It is a perfect 10. This program has increased my activity of asking for and giving referrals, planting referral seeds, and writing referral note cards by 300% from where I started. It truly is exactly what the name implies: REFERRAL IGNITE! It is my intention to repeat Referral Ignite before the end of the year, as soon as the 6 Significant Habits is completed.
–Jean Vogel – Ft. Meyers, FL

10+ I loved all the encouragement, words of wisdom and guidance. The notebook, the weekly fastest accountability sheets, the scoreboard, and the scorecards kept me on track which created a repetitious pattern. I have wonderful notes to refer back to help me along. Thanks Joe!
–Pam Malone Knipp – Blue Springs, MO

It’s a 10 from me. RI gave me a ton of ideas, confidence and all around it was very helpful with learning how to give, ask, plant and send referral cards. The morning Joe was great and had a ton of insight, I really enjoyed them. I have signed up for the 6 Significant Habits next month. I have also passed your information on to other agents. Thanks for all the great information Joe! Referral Ignite was awesome as is By Referral Only!
–Nysa Rayno – Lakewood, CO

10. It has been a journey in many respects. Great ‘ah ha’ moments to organizing and connecting with My Tribe… to overcoming my fear of video. The Morning Joe’s kept me focused. Score cards and the team kept me on track. The twice weekly coaching was essential to the success of the 56 days. This is a program worth incorporating into my business on a regular basis. Thank you Joe!
–Collette Zimmerman – Ontario, Toronto

A 10 for me also Joe. Although I had some family life altering experiences, your game got me back in the game. Thank you for the motivation and the Morning Joe to keep me on track. It taught me to persevere and that my tribe likes to hear from me. I have referred the Referral Ignite game to several agents. They said they would check it out.
–Auggie Chesser – Baltimore, MD

10, I love how I am playing a game with myself every day. It really makes me take action to get some points. I also have never done a video prior to this training and it got me out of my box. I look forward to the continued growth and play daily to see where it takes my business. Charlotte was a great leader and her role playing as well as conversations were also beneficial! Thanks Joe, Dan and Charlotte!
–Wendy Hanson – Ramsey, MN

A 10 here as well and I have referred others that are in RI 2 now. I agree with what others have said – giving us a well thought out plan, what to say, what to do and generally expanding ourselves. We love the morning Joes, we intend to continue improving and playing the game. We love giving and really appreciate the concept of the 5 Star Referral Center. This really was the best program I have encountered in 34 years in the business. It was life changing and we are very grateful for what you have provided!
–Beverly Bowen – Osprey, FL