One Time & One Time Only an ALL-NEW “Main Event LIVE Fast-Track Virtual Training for just $199!
Advanced Language And Dialogue Strategy
Thursday, January 26, 2023 : 8am – 3pm PST
The Last 35 years of Joe Stumpf’s Lead-Generating, Business-Building, Life-Changing Brain handed to you on a silver platter in this exclusive One-Day LIVE Virtual Event.
Only 200 Agents & Lenders Will Be Allowed
In At The INSANE Price Of Only $199!

Dear industry friends, colleagues, and especially you skeptics,
I have decided to break my silence. As you are probably aware, for over 25 years, I crisscrossed the US and Canada teaching my Main Event business reinventing conferences and trainings. Yes, I personally spoke at these events and, of course, shared my tested and proven language mastery and referral-generating strategies that reinvented the business and lives of hundreds of thousands of Agents & Lenders across North America.

These teachings, language, and strategies have since become the core foundation of By Referral Only, our membership, and done-for-you marketing systems. I have spent the last 10 years dedicating my time and energy, NOT to the speaking circuit but mentoring and guiding our By Referral Only members with these same concepts.
But now I feel obligated… compelled… called… to bring back something that EVERY SINGLE AGENT AND LENDER MUST HEAR & EXPERIENCE.
Something that I said I would never do…
Something that I feel compelled to do because of today’s challenges…
So let me cut to the chase and tell you how YOU and a very small number of other Real Estate and Lending Industry Professionals can get my all-new, condensed and hyper-focused “Main Event 2023: Advanced Language And Dialogue Strategy” for growing and maintaining a very… very… very profitable business GUARANTEED (as you will see shortly).
I will be conducting a very exclusive one-day, jam-packed, elite training on January 26th, and I want YOU to get a ticket!

The energy… the excitement… the focus… never-failing language mastery… IS BAAAAAAACK!
This virtual, affordable, one-day training is all about me, Joe Stumpf, teaching and sharing with YOU.
This is where I will not only reveal every time-tested strategy you need… NO … MUST have total knowledge about… to grow in what is set to be the toughest years in our industry in some time. This will also be about advanced language and dialogue strategy that, up until now, I have only shared with my exalted Inner Circle and Private Coaching Members.
Survival… Stability… Success… Significance… Sacred
This one-day experience is going to take a deep-dive into cultivating the skills to speak your way through each of these stages. If you are struggling in Survival you will learn to speak your way Stability and so on.
You’ll create a skillset that is Stable and leads to the manifestation of Success into Sacred. The ultimate goal for any agent or lender. No matter what stage you are in right now, this event will give you exactly what you need to move to the next level.
As we now enter 2023 I have been having DeJaVu all over again. Rates are still high, a recession is looming, and more and more Agents and Lenders are panicking, wondering if they will be able to make it through or excel at the rate in which they had hoped.
In fact, I just read an article that stated that Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist and senior vice president of research, forecasts home sales will decline by 6.8% in 2023 compared to 2022. Couple that with the fact that there are now more agents and loan officers in our country than ever before, and you have a recipe for a total industry cleansing.
I have seen this many times before… have you? I remember when rates were 15% and we had a celebration when they dropped to 12%! I have been through MANY booms and the following busts but I can tell you that we are primed for MORE CHALLENGES in 2023… your business could certainly be at risk… unless you do something about it NOW.
I have noticed two very disturbing trends as a result of the “boom” we saw happen in 2020.
Group one are those that stopped learning and building true skills because the money was easy and the buyer, sellers, and borrowers were plentiful. They didn’t keep connected with their database. They didn’t work on their skills or build true marketing systems because, frankly, they felt they didn’t need to.
Now that times are not so easy peasy, they are staring at a disconnected database and are frantically going after every shiny object approach (some very costly), trying to get more leads in very desperate ways,
Then there is the more SEASONED group. They’ve been there and seen these booms and falls before. They knew it would come, but, like the other group, they got too busy during the good days and failed to continue to stay deeply connected with their people. Or, they have found themselves, victims to the “grind” of staying on top. They had high hopes of continuing that upward growth, some even hiring staff or becoming brokers, but this new market is killing those hopes and dreams. They know they need to do more but just aren’t sure what.
Most Agents and Lenders are coasting. “Waiting to see what happens,” doing the minimum. Not building the systems and skills necessary to face what’s ahead. I can tell you this…
… doing the minimum, or ‘same old – same old’ is NOT going to cut it in the year ahead. You simply can’t afford to wait and see.
BUT… looking for the newest MAGIC PILL to swallow isn’t going to get you there either. Are you spending your time and resources on…
- TikTok How to
- Trying to figure out Paid Ads
- Buying Zillow, Ylopo, Opcity leads
- Door knocking
- IG Reels
I’m not saying people aren’t having some sort of success with these… but none of these are going to reinvent or create real growth in your business. None of these are going to build true VALUE in your business. None of these will produce consistently or PREDICTABLY for you.
You have to get down to CORE abilities, skills, systems, and strategy that works day in and day out to produce MORE leads, MORE referrals, and MORE transactions…
These CORE moves are the building blocks and will become the roots of your business.
Just like these folks did…


Here’s a big part of the problem. Recent years have produced a huge new crop of “experts” and “GURUS.” They want you to believe that because they hit it big for a year or two (some even less) they know how to build a long-term, consistently producing, solid business… when all they really know is a few hyped-up lead methods that are nothing more than churn and burn methods… nothing sustaining… nothing predictable… that will survive in ANY market… nothing of real value.
I have said many times that you MUST be careful who you listen to. Who you invest in. Who you let lead and guide you… they often aren’t helping you build real skills, systems, or strategy that creates consistency… that’s what you want, right?…
You want (and deserve) a consistent FLOW of referrals, leads, conversations, and opportunities!
You need the best!
Joe Stumpf is the world’s most recognized expert on referral language, marketing systems, and business growth in the Real Estate & Lending Industries. Joe is recognized as one of the greatest referral language trainers in the history of real estate, and this is a rare opportunity to have a full day with him outside of the By Referral Only Member Community.
Joe spent over 25 years touring the country and teaching his proven, referral-gaining techniques and systems. In 1988 he founded By Referral Only, a community of agents and lenders that have access to the tools, systems, and support they need to get more referrals – from each other and their clients. Joe’s unique understanding of how people communicate allows him to help agents & lenders build relationships that result in more sales. At this event, you’ll learn everything you need to know about getting referrals through conversation and relationship-building strategies that work.

Let me tell you about my…
LIVE 1-Day Comprehensive Online Workshop
for Real Estate and Lending Professionals
When I say this TRAINING will be elite… I really mean it. I will be personally teaching at this full-day event, along with a few hand-picked guest speakers, so I have the time to go into great detail with each “experience” I have in store for you….
Experience 1:
12 Specific Scripts and Dialogues
Master The Art Of Referral Conversations In Today’s Challenging Market
One of the biggest issues I see today is that people are scared to ASK for the referral… scared of the conversation. They are not confident in their ability to direct a simple conversation into a direct dialogue that creates MORE BUSINESS for them.
It is a SKILL… but here’s the best part… it’s a skill that ANYONE can master when properly led and instructed. There are some nuances for today’s market, and we will address those in this very important session.
NOTE: The words, the science, the NLP, and the technology behind the language are more important today than at any other time in the history of our industry. By Referral Only Coach and Strategist Dan Paris is one of the pioneers of NLP when it comes to pattern recognition and language, and Dan will be co-teaching with me in this very focused, very intensive, one-day event.
Together we will do a deep-dive into this language mastery specifically as it relates to today’s market and economy with 12 Scripts and Dialogue Examples of Referral Situations That WORK TODAY!
- Understand the psychology behind why people give referrals and how to tap into it without awkwardness
- The most effective ways to ask for referrals in today’s challenging market and economic environment, including specific and proven scripts and techniques that we will also give you as a handout. This handout will be a valuable resource for years to come.
- Techniques and strategy that will build your confidence in opening and LEADING conversations to a comfortable referral outcome
- How to follow up with potential referral sources and turn them into paying clients
- How to approach and leverage advocates and business partners in today’s dicey economic environment – they can be your biggest source for new business when you BUILD the right relationship.
- Overcoming today’s market RESISTANCE– this may be THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL TO MASTER in 2023!
- Strategies for turning satisfied clients into raving fans who are eager to refer others to your business… NOW…not when the “market is better”!
Experience 2:
Mastering The 2023 Success Mindset
What Every Agent & Lender MUST HAVE For Growth…
and Personal Happiness as We Tackle The Challenges Of The New Year
There is no doubt many are taking a beating both mentally and financially due to today’s market BUT one of the keys to overcoming this is your own personal mindset and the daily motivational skillsets you MUST master to keep growth and success in focus and fears (aka. worry) put in it’s place.
THIS IS POSSIBLE! Allow me to give you the insights to make fear a thing of the past and maximize your focus to create a clearer path to success this year.
By the way… the above is what I’m covering when I refer to the ‘fundamentals.’ If they whet your appetite, here’s what I’m covering when I get to the Advanced Strategies that, until now, I ONLY share with my private coaching clients:
Experience 3:
The Ultimate Hot Seat Reveal
Learn Advanced Strategy and “Holy Cow!” Business-Building Insights From Some Of The Most Successful Agents & Lenders That I Have Ever Had The Pleasure Of Personally Mentoring
These amazing individuals are not only DOERS and IMPLIMENTORS… they are forgers of exciting new paths that have catapulted them to the top 1% and are keeping them there regardless of market, economy or outside challenges.
I will put each in the Hot Seat to have them reveal their best strategies and “what’s working right now” insights so that you can swipe and steal their best producing strategies for your own.
Experience 4:
LIVE Q&A – Ask Me Anything
What Every Agent & Lender MUST HAVE For Growth…and Personal Happiness as We Tackle The Challenges Of The New Year
We’re going to keep things simple here. This will just be me sitting in the hot seat, answering rapid-fire to any and all of your questions…for as long as time allows.
So if you have questions about how to…
(Only For The 200 People Who Get In – More on that below)
First, you can’t get these bonus gifts anywhere else currently. So this is quite
the incentive to be one of the fortunate attendees
BONUS 1: The Main Event Archive
I had my team assemble some of my favorite Main Event Recordings from the past. Many have not seen these in over 25 years BUT they STILL stand the test of time. These are the best-of-the-best of skills, scripts, dialogues, mindset, and strategy. Many of my long-time followers and members use these strategies and techniques to this day. It’s some of my very best work and ANY agent or lender would be smart to revisit these often and ongoing.
BONUS 2: My Personal Growth Must-Read Book List for 2023
Many of you know that I’m a fanatical and dedicated reader. If there’s one thing I can recommend is to set aside time daily to read books that increase your abilities, insights, motivation, and mindset. To help you in your journey to grow, I have put together a list of books that I feel ANYONE who strives for personal growth MUST have, read, and re-read in some cases. I know you’ll love this resource.
BONUS 3: A Digital Recording Of The Main Event 2023 For Future Reference
There will be so much content, so much marketing meat, and so much INSIGHT in this event that it will demand that you go back and revisit the recordings to ensure you digest and implement all of the strategy and “ah-ha” moments. Since we are not planning on selling the recording, this will be a VERY valuable tool indeed!
BONUS 4: A Printable Main Event 2023 Workbook
This will serve as your guide and resource throughout the event. You’ll create your plan, map your next steps, take notes and record all of your BIG BREAKTHROUGH’S here.

With anything I do and put my name behind, I take it very seriously. I know you will be energized, inspired, and blown away by what you will see and experience BUT… If you attend this one-day training from start to finish and feel that you do not get any value from the ideas, scripts, training, materials, featured guests, or overall experience, I will be happy to refund your investment… and you can keep the bonus gifts for your trouble
Well, to be fair… the “2023 success investment”.
As you have already deduced, this is NOT going to be an ordinary workshop or webinar. With this TRAINING, I am teaching you the referral language principals and foundations that you need in order to have a wildly successful business in real estate or lending… a business that is immune to market conditions… FOREVER!
In the past years, I have charged $3000, $7000, and upwards of $13,000 for the small group events that I have been doing ONLY for By Referral Only members. For this reason have not offered a public full-day training, like this, to the general public in some time.
Since this event will be held virtually, and we are being careful with your time by keeping it 1-day, I am able to keep it quite affordable. I will not have the costs normally associated with big production live events, and besides… I feel compelled to make it affordable for those Agents and Lenders who are looking for a leg-up and solid training to help navigate what’s ahead in 2023 and beyond.
The investment for the event and all 4 bonus gifts is only $199…
… if you enjoy huge seminars with magicians, performers, celebrities, vendor fairs and days of speakers, plane flights, hotels, and the circus that goes with it.
This will be just me and you (and a few special guests) for a FULL DAY of JAM-PACKED revelation. This is me revealing in great detail some of the most strategic scripts, dialogues, approaches, scripts, resources… and my proven and tested insights from over the last 35 years. The words and methods that work in ANY market… and produce consistently.
I will not be selling the recordings to this event and I do not plan on repeating this event anytime soon. So this IS the time to act. It IS your solution for thriving in 2023 and finally building your skills and systems and creating predictable growth regardless of what 2023 brings.
I am limiting this event to only people. Yes, you heard me… only 200. Why would I do this? It’s simple, this is not about me stuffing as many people into a virtual workshop as I can to make the biggest profit. It’s about me, Joe Stumpf, meeting with a core group of Agents and Lenders in a more intimate way. I want to be able to see your comments, chat, and bring people on for hot seats…. The really good stuff we all loved from Main Events of the past but in a more intimate virtual setting. You can’t do that when thousands are in attendance.
- Knowing your skills, mindset, and strategy are locked and loaded as we head into this very challenging new year ahead…
- The pure pleasure of moving from survival to stability, to success, and achieving true significance…
- Growing your business in a time when others are running scared…
- The ability to lead the kind of lifestyle you deserve…
Be a part of this very special event. Click that button and grab one of the spots. I’ve made it risk-free with the Guarantee. You get some pretty awesome bonus gifts. All that’s left to do now is take A-C-T-I-O-N… and get in!
On your team (always),
Joe Stumpf