Today’s quick tip comes from By Referral Only Member Ted Breden. This was from our weekly Wisdom Wednesday Training where we reveal what’s working and dive deep with some of our most successful members.
I love this strategy because it takes what many people make overly slick and complicated, client connection and tracking, and makes it drop-dead simple. As Coach Dan Paris points out, my mantra for years has been “What you measure improves and expands”. So if you want to make more connections every day, if you want to talk to your best clients regularly, if you want to be more productive… MEASURE IT.
Here, Ted takes it a step further and puts his reminder and measuring tool smack dab in the middle of his office. Not hidden away on his computer or phone. It’s a constant reminder of his relationships at-a-glance and how he has a daily opportunity to connect with these people, get referrals and build unbreakable bonds that will pay off for his entire career.
It’s a beautiful thing! Check it out.
How are you building unbreakable bonds that generate referrals?
Don’t go it alone.
Tap into a community that builds, encourages, and takes the work out of marketing your Real Estate or Lending Business.
Learn more about Wisdom Wednesday and ALL of the benefits of being a part of the By Referral Only members community here.